We are AsicMinerz

Sales, operation, repair and consultancy of crypto mining machines.

Comprehensive premium service for crypto miners

Hungarian-owned AsicMinerz is one of the leading companies in the crypto mining market. We provide a full range of services to beginner, experienced or curious miners, who are just picking up crypto mining.

What do we do?

We do everything related to mining: Sales, commissioning, operation of mining machines, mining machines fleet management, education, repair of mining machines and financial and legal advice related to mining.

“We would like to bring crypto mining closer to the people. Our aim is to make crypto mining more accessible to a wider audience. This is why we opened the first crypto showroom in Central and Eastern Europe in Budapest.”

Reliable partner in crypto mining

Legal and financial advice

Fleet management
of mining machines


Mining hardware

Miner repair

We are also crypto miners.
We understand your needs, your doubts.

We are experts who know the crypto market.
We’ve been in the same boat as you.
We are here to help.

Years ago, when we entered into the crypto world, we had to deal with many challenges and difficulties. We could not find a company, a partner that could satisfy our needs accordingly – especially for beginner miners like we were.

That is why we decided to found AsicMinerz. We wanted to create a company that provides a full range of premium services and helps our customers step by step on the road to crypto mining, whether they are a professional miner, a beginner or a curious miner who would like to learn and understand more about the world of crypto and about crypto mining.

“It’s okay if you’re just getting to know crypto or you’re completely unfamiliar with this world. We’ll help you figure it out little by little. Our goal is to bring crypto mining closer and accessible to everyone.”

Our team

Bence Józsa co-founder, CEO
Dániel Hájer co-founder, CEO
Áron Szabó Head of marketing
Tamás Kalmár Head of sales
Ágnes Váczi Marketing manager
Patricia Koroknai-
Office manager

Work with professionals!

We are here to help everyone navigate the world of crypto. Contact us!

Want to know more about mining?
Interested in a product and have questions? Do not hesitate to contact us!

Write or call us, drop us a message in chat, book an appointment or come to our office in person and let’s talk over a cup of coffee!

Get in touch